Thursday, 5 August 2010

Which sitcoms did you grow up with?

I think most of us can anchor our childhood years around one particular Doctor Who. For me it was Jon Pertwee with his distinguished grey curls and dulcet tones.

I caught an episode of 'The Good Life' last night. Felicity Kendall looked annoyingly attractive even when covered in mud and Richard Briers flirted a lot with Penelope Keith in a yellow mac (she was wearing the mac, not him). It got me thinking about whether sitcoms could sit on a peg in our childhoods (or teenage years or decades of our lives) in the same way that the many Doctors can.

Sitcoms I identify with being a child include On the Buses and Sykes. I also liked the Goodies. In my teens, there was Terry and June, Only when I laugh and Only Fools and Horses. I'm sure there were many others but as my father was in charge of the television set, he chose the evening viewing. The one thing all of those sitcoms had in common was a cast of characters we wanted to watch. Whether we admired them for their tenacity and hard work (Tom and Barbara in The Good Life), were tickled by their mad antics (The Goodies) or just wanted to see how naughty they could be (Roy Figgis in Only when I laugh), it was the characters who made us turn on our sets every week.

What sitcoms did you grow up with?

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