We've been here before, haven't we? Our second TV script has now been returned by the BBC. We didn't make the grade.
So with two TV scripts looking for a home, we have a couple of options:
- re-edit, re-vamp, whatever you like to call it - shine up the polish on our scripts,
- and find another route into the world of TV.
We don't have to necessarily do one and then the other. We can start to investigate production companies, agents or even competitions that could fix our foot in that proverbial door while we improve our scripts and the series outlines.
As the second script is a science fiction storyline, we recently approached SyFy to ask if they accepted unsolicited scripts. Unfortunately they do not but said that they'd be happy to have a look once the series had been filmed.
So we return to limbo but we're not defeated, just resting (and polishing).